DAY 9: Hammer and Chisel Progress
Today is Day 9 of Hammer and Chisel. I have to say – this may be the longest I have gone without a cheat or slip up in MONTHS. Crazy, right?! Nine days seems like nothing, yet for me who struggles with a foodaddiction, it feels like an eternity – and I am PROUD!
Today, I am up a pound. Weighed in at 147 pounds. Normally this would make me mad, especially since I have pushed myself to my max on all of my workouts and I haven’t had one cheat on my meal plan. Even though I am up in weight, I am leaner than I have ever been in my ENITRE LIFE. So, how could I be mad about that?! I am coming down with a cold and I always gain a little weight when I get sick. Backwards, right? I have been loading up on my Shakeology, vitamin C, diffusing OnGuard and Breathe, putting OnGuard on the bottoms of my feet and drinking lots of hot tea. Mornings have been the worst for me because I wake up with a raging sore throat and super exhausted. Once I get up and get some liquid in my system, my sore throat turns into more of a scratchy throat. I am really hoping that this cold goes away soon and doesn’t turn into a full blown sickness.
This cold has pretty much eliminated my appetite and although you may be thinking that is a good thing, it is not. I am really determined to stick to my meal plan and eat all of my food every day. Forcing food when you are sick pretty much sucks. So, I am going to remain in denial about getting sick and continue with my workouts and my meals. Speaking of workouts – I didn’t do my workout this morning. I woke up at 3 am and put my feet on the ground and basically hopped right back in bed. Not happening. I decided my body needed another hour of sleep and that I would workout in the evening. Today’s workout is Hammer Power – meaning, power lifting. I have been looking forward to this workout and I really want to give it my all. This morning, I wouldn’t have been able to give it my all because I felt drained. I knew delaying my workout was the best decision.
My meal plan was supposed to be the same as yesterday, but I do not have enough fajita pepper and onions to have more fajita tacos tonight. So, last night I had to come up with a new plan on the fly. Since the fajita tacos are 1 yellow, 1 red and 1 green, I had to find another dinner that met those container counts too. We are going to have grilled chicken tonight with a side of broccoli and sweet potato chips. I am so determined to have a successful day today and to get in all of my water.
I cannot wait to tell you all about how my power lifting session goes tonight!
Progress since the beginning of my journey